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by Jerry

4th of July Story from ½ Way Around the World

July 3, 2012 in Inspiration, Thoughts, Wisdom

Last 4th of July I was in Da Nang City in Viet Nam.  I had just arrived a few weeks before with my dear partner Diane for our 4 month humanitarian adventure.  We had come to Da Nang to learn how the Vietnamese and their NGOs (international and non-governmental humanitarian organizations) partners were working with people with disabilities in Da Nang, Viet Nam. Read the rest of this entry →

Ram Dass Quote

June 28, 2012 in Inspiration, Quotes

Our culture is so obsessed with personality and individualism. We have two places to go. One is we have got to reawaken to the fact that we are part of the system—we are part of families and communities and individuality. If we don’t awaken to that, we basically don’t survive. Humans get done in. The other way we have to go is going out of separateness into the Ah or the One.

–Ram Dass