Content From Grace Threads Group


This page shows a list of recent activity below. Click around and interact--don't forget to click on "Twinkles"!

  • Jerry posted a new activity comment 11 years, 11 months ago

    In reply to: Chandler replied to the forum topic Inspirational in the group Grace Buddies Pat, what are the empowerment methodology steps? This is what I remember: Where am I now? Where am I going? Where do I want to […] View

    Thanks for the conversation Chan and Patricia. Handy little questions!

  • Last 4th of July I was in Da Nang City in Viet Nam.  I had just arrived a few weeks before with my dear partner Diane for our 4 month humanitarian adventure.  We had come to Da Nang to learn how the Vietnamese and […]

  • Jerry posted an update 12 years, 1 month ago

    I am familiarizing myself with this wonderful new tool you are creating for us ChanMan. Thank you for stepping across into this great doing! We will all be well-served by it. Jerry

    • click around, i put instructions on many of the page headers under the main menu. the main menu is the menu below the dramatic ”Threads of Grace” header.