Content From Grace Threads Group


This page shows a list of recent activity below. Click around and interact--don't forget to click on "Twinkles"!

  • Mary posted an update 12 years ago

    I just twinkled your secret twinkles.

  • Mary posted an update 12 years ago

    had a great day with Carol and Susie at the Ithaca Farmer’s market and Cayuga Lake, swimming, relaxing and pondering life’s many questions-You will be relieved to know we’ve got it all figured out – Just …. LET IT GO …. any further discussion ask Zylo (the cutest dog on the boat!)

  • Chandler replied to the topic Events in the forum Inspirations/Recommendations 12 years ago

    Pema Chödrön Birthday Retreat July 14. Pema is on retreat for 1 year, she started in December. She just sent this message and I thought to show it to our group: Thank you so much for joining Pema by practicing […]

  • Chandler started the topic Events in the forum Inspirations/Recommendations 12 years ago

    Things the group might be interested in

  • Last 4th of July I was in Da Nang City in Viet Nam.  I had just arrived a few weeks before with my dear partner Diane for our 4 month humanitarian adventure.  We had come to Da Nang to learn how the Vietnamese and […]

  • Chandler replied to the forum topic Energy Work Workshop in the group Group logo of Grace BuddiesGrace Buddies 12 years ago

    i was also thinking it might be cool to include a piano “metronome” type ticker that we could speed up and slow down so we do one painting where the metronome times the brushstrokes every half second, and […]

  • Chandler replied to the forum topic Lecture 145 in the group Group logo of Grace BuddiesGrace Buddies 12 years ago

    i’m confronting a character defect, what the fuck am i supposed to do again?

    • maybe i shouldn’t swear about it, maybe there is something in what pema chodron says about meditation: The pith instruction is, Stay. . . stay. . . just stay. Learning to stay with ourselves in meditation is like training a dog. If we train a dog by beating it, we’ll end up with an obedient but very inflexible and rather terrified dog. The dog…[Read more]

  • Patty posted an update 12 years ago

    Ok… I’m stumped. Where on this page do I find Twinkles ???

    • they are next to the buttons for ”comment” ”favorite” ”delete” right below your comments (if you are signed in)

      • ooh… now i get it. so i just twinkled your ”ride bike with no hands” story !!!
        it’s kinda like me treading water with no hands so i can pick leaves out of the middle of the deep end of the pool… kinda…

        • weird i can’t give you twinkles on your comment above unless i click on your name and then your comment has an option for twinkles. so its like a secret twinkle!

        • i think i just invented the secret twinkle

        • having a unicycle must be fun

  • Patty replied to the forum topic Energy Work Workshop in the group Group logo of Grace BuddiesGrace Buddies 12 years ago

    I like this idea. Esp the part of working fast, turning the page to let go of Ego.

  • Kayla replied to the topic Movies in the forum Inspirations/Recommendations 12 years ago

    uh oh!!!!! will do..k

  • Patricia replied to the topic Movies in the forum Inspirations/Recommendations 12 years ago

    I just saw a film I really liked, (not easy for me). It was called, Take This Waltz. Michelle Williams is an great actress and chooses interesting roles.

    • hey…this is my first ”post” hope i’m doing it right….supposed to go tonight with my ”living with me” granddaughter to see the film..great review plus the fact that you enjoyed it pushed me over the top…love, k

  • Chandler replied to the forum topic Energy Work Workshop in the group Group logo of Grace BuddiesGrace Buddies 12 years ago

    i just had an idea for a workshop, if i may be so bold. to do a painting workshop! its sorta a combination of the workshops we did with ann lindsay way back when (pat didn’t you take a class by her?) and also […]

  • Chandler replied to the topic Movies in the forum Inspirations/Recommendations 12 years ago

    Just saw “The Way” with Martin Sheen, had me bawling but I may just be in a mood :) “When his son dies while hiking the Camino de Santiago pilgrimage route in […]

  • Chandler started the topic Movies in the forum Inspirations/Recommendations 12 years ago

    Here are some movie recommendations

  • Chandler replied to the topic Movies in the forum Inspirations/Recommendations 12 years ago

    I just saw this movie called “The Way” with Martin Sheen. Its on netflix streaming, its great! “When his son dies while hiking the Camino de Santiago pilgrimage route in the Pyrenees, a grieving father flies to […]

  • Patricia O’Connor replied to the forum topic Inspirational in the group Group logo of Grace BuddiesGrace Buddies 12 years ago

    Where am I now?
    Where do I want to go?
    What’s in the way? What’s stopping me?
    What is another way of looking at it? (turnaround)
    What is my intention/vision? (Growing edge)

  • Mary Bartlett posted an update 12 years ago

    I LOVE the header – beautify colors and I feel the design captures our group!!

  • Mary Bartlett posted an update 12 years ago

    Enjoyed a beautiful day of community connection at the Hamilton Farmer’s market where I saw loads of friends and ate a peach!!

  • Chandler posted an update 12 years ago

    I’m learning how to ride my bike with no hands! This has taken me years to be able to let go and just peddle and to trust my own power of intention and exertion with forces of nature and my legs holding momentum. I experienced such a feeling of freedom taking the power of control away from my hands and allowing it to come from my inner core. I…[Read more]

  • Chandler replied to the forum topic Inspirational in the group Group logo of Grace BuddiesGrace Buddies 12 years ago

    Pat, what are the empowerment methodology steps? This is what I remember:
    Where am I now?
    Where am I going?
    Where do I want to go?
    Is there a step I can take right now?

    • Where am I now?
      Where do I want to go?
      What is in the way? What is stopping me?
      What is another way of looking at it?
      What is my vision/intention?

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