Content From Grace Threads Group


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  • Patty posted a new activity comment 12 years ago

    In reply to: Patty posted an update Ok… I’m stumped. Where on this page do I find Twinkles ??? View

    ooh… now i get it. so i just twinkled your ”ride bike with no hands” story !!!
    it’s kinda like me treading water with no hands so i can pick leaves out of the middle of the deep end of the pool… kinda…

  • Patty posted an update 12 years ago

    Ok… I’m stumped. Where on this page do I find Twinkles ???

    • they are next to the buttons for ”comment” ”favorite” ”delete” right below your comments (if you are signed in)

      • ooh… now i get it. so i just twinkled your ”ride bike with no hands” story !!!
        it’s kinda like me treading water with no hands so i can pick leaves out of the middle of the deep end of the pool… kinda…

        • weird i can’t give you twinkles on your comment above unless i click on your name and then your comment has an option for twinkles. so its like a secret twinkle!

        • i think i just invented the secret twinkle

        • having a unicycle must be fun

  • Patty replied to the forum topic Energy Work Workshop in the group Group logo of Grace BuddiesGrace Buddies 12 years ago

    I like this idea. Esp the part of working fast, turning the page to let go of Ego.

  • Patty replied to the forum topic Energy Work Workshop in the group Group logo of Grace BuddiesGrace Buddies 12 years, 1 month ago

    His Omega workshop is called The Natural Voice. At Grace it was the one where we all had to sing!!

  • Patty replied to the forum topic Energy Work Workshop in the group Group logo of Grace BuddiesGrace Buddies 12 years, 1 month ago

    Interestingly enough, I had a conversation with Claude a couple nights ago. He was interested in getting some corporate work or meeting kick-offs at Omega. I’m sure he’d be interested in working again with us, […]